Jonathan Emery, who has been called a "bowler’s bowler," began his tenpin career in 1973 at Aviano Air Base in Italy. Early on, he developed an avid interest in league management and the game itself, and he soon was dedicated to bowling and his fellow participants. He maintained averages in the high 180s and 190s and became a very capable analyst on the finer points of the game.
In 1980, immediately upon assignment to the Washington, D.C. area, Jon joined the Bolling (Air Force Base) Intramural league and became a team captain and then secretary. He later joined the Bellevue Mixed league and became secretary. Jon also was instrumental in organizing a military travel league, which included some of the top military bowlers on the East Coast and covered an area from Virginia to New Jersey. He also became an active instructor for youth bowlers at Bolling Air Force Base.
His career with the NCABA board began in 1984. As a director, his duties included serving as a lane representative to, at various times, four different bowling centers. During his tenure, he served as chairman of the following committees: Yearbook, Tournament Site Selection, Lane Directors, ABC Convention Housing, Virginia State, Southeastern Bowling Association (SBA), and BVL. For two years, Jon co-chaired the Hall of Fame Committee, and he’s worked at the NCABA Championship Tournament since 1985. In addition, he’s been a delegate to 14 ABC, 12 Virginia State, and eight SBA conventions.
In 1989, Jon was elected to the NCABA executive board as fifth vice president. He moved up the ladder and was elected president in 1994.
Jon also projects an outstanding image as a family man. Members of the Emery family are devoted to each other and to the sport of bowling. Jon and his wife, Bess, bowl in several leagues and are involved in their children’s bowling programs.
Jonathan Emery’s longtime goal has been to make our Nation’s Capital Area a place bowlers across the country can point to with pride. His sincere dedication to the sport of bowling has rewarded him with a berth in the NCABA Hall of Fame.
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