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Bill Grover was born in Alexandria. He received a BA in history from Loyola University in New Orleans and an MA in American history from George Mason University in Fairfax. He retired from the National Archives and Records Administration in 2004 after 32 years of federal service.
Bill, an NCABA member since 1979, was appointed to the association’s board of directors in August 1994. He has served as house director for Bowl America Burke and Bowl America Fairfax. Bill has been chairman of the 700 Club and 3 C’s committees and served on the following committees: Hall of Fame, Ways and Means, Annual Meeting, Tournament Site Selection, Virginia State, and Vision 2000. He was tournament director for the Virginia State Golf Tournament that was held in May 2006 in conjunction with the State Meeting hosted by NCABA. Bill has worked at both the team and singles and doubles houses of the NCABA Championship Tournament since 1995 and also worked in the last two Virginia State tournaments hosted by NCABA. He takes pride in resurrecting the 700 Club tournaments.
In 2003, Bill represented NCABA at a meeting held in Greendale, Wis., between American Bowling Congress officials and those of the 20 largest associations. The purpose of the meeting was to help ABC craft a merger document for presentation at the next convention. ABC incorporated the suggestions made by the “Top 20” team to craft a Plan of Merger that was approved at the 2004 convention.
Bill served as NCABA president during the time the delegates voted to merge with the Washington, D.C. Area Women’s Bowling Association and Vir-Mar District YABA, and he led the association’s merger efforts. He appointed the NCABA Transition Team and served as a member of the Joint Transition Board that guided local associations in the merger process.
His high game of 300 was rolled while serving as NCABA president, and his high series is 761. He was the founder of the Northern Virginia Association of Bowlers, which includes mostly bowlers from Burke and Fairfax. He bowled in almost every NCABA Championship Tournament since 1979 and represented NCABA as a delegate at the ABC Convention since 1996. He served as a youth coach at Burke for more than 10 years.
Bill has also been active in creating a Club Bowling program at George Mason, and he currently teaches a course in bowling there. He lives with his wife, Karen, in Burke.
Bill Grover’s outstanding and dedicated service to area bowlers merits him entrance into the Nation’s Capital Area Bowling Association Hall of Fame.